“Hildegarde” Laurence Talleux
Is a trainer and author specializing in the recognition and use of wild plants. She is the creator of the OSAPIC method, and teaches cooking with the Echappées association, both in everyday life and outdoors.
Solar Brother
I love Solar Brother products, innovative and ingenious. Tools that use the sun’s energy, practical in the field and increasingly essential for preserving energy and nature, and for gaining self-sufficiency. Solar is a French company born of the genius of Gilles and his super-friendly team, with real human and sharing values. I’m proud to be part of this great Solar family.
Recommended products
The OMY dryer for drying plants for winter herbal teas, of course, but also for dehydrating anything and everything – fruit, vegetables, meat, etc. For me, the OMY is the essential tool for conditioning your crops for storage.
The SunGood solar cooker solar cooker and accessories for safe, easy cooking in the great outdoors.
The SunCase solar lighter solar-powered lighter, because it’s a good alternative for starting a fire or running out of gas.