Solar recipe: Zero waste vegetable broth
Don’t throw away carrot, fennel, zucchini, leek, garlic or parsley peelings! Dry them naturally in the sun and turn them into a unique, tasty and ultra-saving homemade vegetable broth.
Recipe suggested by :
Linda Louis
– OMY solar dryer – Preparation time: 20 min – Drying time: 12 h
Ingredients for 4 people
- Carrot peelings
- Garlic
- Onion
- Turnip
- Leek
- Celery stalks
- Parsley tails
Preparing vegetable stock
- Lay the peelings flat on the dehydrator trays. Leave to dry for a day. Once cooled, they should be crisp. If not, continue drying the next day.
- Blend finely to obtain a powder and store in an airtight jar. The powder has a shelf life of 2 years.
Enjoy your meal!
Cooking without gas or electricity
This recipe is taken from the book »
Cooking without gas or electricity
« by Linda Louis: from
wood stove
solar oven
from wood-burning stoves to solar cookers, from fireplaces to campfires, the
rocket stove
wood-burning oven
solar dehydrator
dehydrator, smoker, barbecue
Norwegian pot
…Explore alternative cooking techniques without gas or electricity, for economical and ecological recipes. Linda Louis is the author of several landmark books on organic, local and wild cuisine. She also explores the themes of food self-sufficiency in the wild and zero waste. She is a regular contributor to the culinary, gardening and ecological press, and has been blogging since 2006,
Cuisine Campagne
(, a portfolio ( and an Instagram account (lindalouisberry) in which she advocates authentic, generous cuisine that’s close to nature and know-how.